I'm a bit disappointed in this song from Natasha Bedingfield. She has such an amazing voice, but its hidden beneath over production to create a sound that is not only dumb and unnecessarily popular, but is behind the times. It's very annoying b/c I felt her last single was excellent though it was never played on the radio. This song is a hit-or-miss tune. It could have huge success or do dismally.

That's how I feel today. We had our first round of desk crits today with our professor Toms. I'll call him Toms b/c he always wears the shoes and has a very good sense of style. He also has a lot of background in computer design and works for a very famous architect who is very in right now (though honestly I don't see why). Anyway, ---I just realized my point of giving some anonymity fell flat as I talked about him in the last post. I'm still calling him Toms. Today's desk crit was concerning the work we had done over the weekend regarding our design topics. We each came up with a topic of research on Friday concerning velodromes in some form or fashion. My research is dealing with what I labeled Olympic Caliber Performance: what are the design guidelines one needs in order to create the optimum training facilities that support a velodrome?
I did a great deal of information gathering over the weekend, but was unable to synthesize everything that I wanted to (i.e. bad time management). Part of that was my decision to go to an architecture party (b/c you NEVER miss one of these things, so many great things happen) where I got drunk and had quite an excellent time, though something I had caused me to be hungover all day Sunday! I'm talking woozy until 8pm, and even then I went to bed at 10pm. It was worth it though, met some lovely lesbians, including one bisexual who I explained to that I am a pomosexual (post modern). It was quite fun.
Back to architecture, my task for Wednesday is to create a 3D model representing a bike's turn radius. Sounds easy enough, though I'm going to be attempting this with a program that I've never used before! Nonetheless, new goal: master 3DS Max. After that I have to create a physical model describing the path of a person inside a locker room with a bicycle, without actually designing one physically. That is going to be sooooo abstract. On top of this, I need to keep going through research as well as come up with even more ways of abstracting the information. It's like I told a studio mate of mine, it's as if he said: "make what you think I'm expecting of you, and then create more." Ohhhh yeah.

(4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0..........) >


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