Tomorrow is one of my friend's 21st birthday. Dear Lord help us all.

I like this song as a feel good song you hear at a party when you have all of these good vibes and feelings. I'd say that we're going to hear tomorrow at the place we're going to, but it's a gay bar!

I have this huge load of stress off my shoulders as I return back here to prepare for the upcoming and all-important fall semester. I say this because not only is it pertinent that I do well academically, but this semester means sink or swim for two of the organizations I sit on the officer board for. Luckily I do have the assistance of other people, but I still feel personally responsible for them, especially when they both have so many connections that can lead to bigger and better things. I'd have to say that architecture is very much one of those professions where impressions can make or break your progress - it's not that you can't do well on your own, however like any type of way that you try and make a difference or an impact though it does start with one person it needs many more people to be successful and have an effect.

Blah blah blah I'm very tired to I think I'll write more eloquently tomorrow. Went and bought my friend Bailey's so he could have it in his morning coffee (yeah...), helped him pick out a shirt at American Eagle (again, yeah...), my friend A tagged along and went into the Lego store (omg yes!), and also got free Godiva chocolate (yes yes yes).

Design your day ^^


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