A nice british bloke with a nice british pop song.

Today was another wonderful day of sleeping in and doing much of nothing. I sent the wonderful 1st year intro design thingy to the president of the organization I'm in so hopefully that will work out nicely and other than that really did nothing else architecture related today. Don't worry though, school is in a week and a half, there will be more than enough to post about.
I went to Torchy's Tacos today with my friend I'll call Shell. Shell used to be bffs with A, but not they don't talk to each other. Yeah, pretty Gossip Girl. Anyway, had a Fried Avocado taco, which was vegetarian deliciousness and not over fried like I was afraid it was going to be. I've been on a diet recently that had been helpful at removing the 10lbs I gained last month (7.5 off so far, yes!) so I thought it'd be ok to eat this. That and I've exercised every day since the start of the month so I feel I've accomplished something. All I know is that I'm going to increase the intensity so I'll only have to do the same duration but get even more out of my work outs. Awesome!
After that I went to Wheatsville, number 1 favorite place to shop for groceries and managed to spend right over 13$ for some produce (essentially all the money I had left...). Either way, after that I don't remember doing much of anything except for working out. Following that, I went to A's before I had work for some chisme (go look it up). Basically a guy from back home was leading her on about wanting her for a booty call but then just joking about it, all culminating in a phone sex that he was supposedly kidding about, as per his message the next day. She then preceded to call him out on it and he then freaked out and defriended her. Poser.
Work was nice sans the fact that there have been almost no customers since people have been moving out. I just take comfort in the fact that we have a week and a half until school starts and then things are sure to pick up. I'm quite excited about that for sure. At least I tried out some new flavors that were made, Guinness (which was alright, but a bit bitter so it needs to be tweaked), Raspberry Jalapeno (much more delicious than it sounds), and Peanut Butter and Jelly (top notch).
Also in random news the guy who took me out of the funk I had earlier this summer is straight and has a gf. So I have to let that go. Oh well, there will be many more in architecture this year. Let's hope for the best.


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