I've been listening to this song all day I just really like the heart behind it and makes me want to sing it to someone else.

Starting with my friend's bday, that in itself was insane. Met some nice people, pre-gamed at his house and was drunk when we got to the club. We were a bit early but it was alright and I was feeling amazing! Danced with some hot guys and the birthday boy participated in the Amateur Strip Contest, though he was no contest to the last guy. He was my pick to win 10 seconds after he started his routine it was insane! I probably danced more provocatively than I should've and had a really good time. Birthday boy seemed fine enough until we left. It was then I realized over the course of the night he had broken 4 glasses while we there. Oops. After we headed to Kerbey Lane (amazing pancakes and queso) were he preceded to spill 2 glasses of water, a basket of chips and then cried at the table. He also talked to a friend of mine and asked him when he was going to f**k me. No joke. Awesome not.

Friday was much better I helped my friend move out of her apt and store half of her stuff at my house (my roommate is her bf) and for my thanks we went to Trudy's which was quite delicious. I was disappointed in the wait staff, but overall I enjoyed my time there. The best part was when we saw a drunk girl in a bikini sauntering up to enter as we left and lo and behold it was a friend of her's! Small world I always say. After that we picked up a friend of hers and went back to her apt to drink. Before that we had gone to HEB to pick up some mixers (and scope out the hot property that is always at that specific location), one of which being Country Lemonade. Brought back middle school memories of baked cheese sticks and that stuff in a can. Back to the main story we played f**k the dealer and I ended up getting screwed over. I had three drinks total with lots of vodka and though I was very, very, very happy by the end of the night I was hurting this morning.

Today has been the least productive one I had in a while. My roommate came back to help his sister move into her new place (less than 3 weeks to school!!) and I spent nearly the entire day laying on the couch. At least I did the dishes.

I think I'm going to give myself the weekend free of architecture. It's something I love but I don't want to ruin my taste of it right before school. I am reminded by one of my loves though. I can say right now I have two people I'm in love with. It's a little funny; there's also another I'm infatuated with, not to mention the other cute guys I know nothing is going to happen with though they're nice to be around. I have no girl prospects, they've just been disappointing lately. Except my little sister (who's not related to me), she's visiting tomorrow and I can't wait! All the way from California, though really up from SA. Moving back to my two loves it's interesting. One I don't know if I'll ever meet again. (sigh) The other I told before I liked (and just got the friends thing) but I enjoy just being around him. We've talked a lot more recently and it's something I really enjoy. We have a lot of similar interests but different views on things so it's great to talk. Hopefully we can hang soon.

Design your day.


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