I'm a bit disappointed in this song from Natasha Bedingfield. She has such an amazing voice, but its hidden beneath over production to create a sound that is not only dumb and unnecessarily popular, but is behind the times. It's very annoying b/c I felt her last single was excellent though it was never played on the radio. This song is a hit-or-miss tune. It could have huge success or do dismally.

That's how I feel today. We had our first round of desk crits today with our professor Toms. I'll call him Toms b/c he always wears the shoes and has a very good sense of style. He also has a lot of background in computer design and works for a very famous architect who is very in right now (though honestly I don't see why). Anyway, ---I just realized my point of giving some anonymity fell flat as I talked about him in the last post. I'm still calling him Toms. Today's desk crit was concerning the work we had done over the weekend regarding our design topics. We each came up with a topic of research on Friday concerning velodromes in some form or fashion. My research is dealing with what I labeled Olympic Caliber Performance: what are the design guidelines one needs in order to create the optimum training facilities that support a velodrome?
I did a great deal of information gathering over the weekend, but was unable to synthesize everything that I wanted to (i.e. bad time management). Part of that was my decision to go to an architecture party (b/c you NEVER miss one of these things, so many great things happen) where I got drunk and had quite an excellent time, though something I had caused me to be hungover all day Sunday! I'm talking woozy until 8pm, and even then I went to bed at 10pm. It was worth it though, met some lovely lesbians, including one bisexual who I explained to that I am a pomosexual (post modern). It was quite fun.
Back to architecture, my task for Wednesday is to create a 3D model representing a bike's turn radius. Sounds easy enough, though I'm going to be attempting this with a program that I've never used before! Nonetheless, new goal: master 3DS Max. After that I have to create a physical model describing the path of a person inside a locker room with a bicycle, without actually designing one physically. That is going to be sooooo abstract. On top of this, I need to keep going through research as well as come up with even more ways of abstracting the information. It's like I told a studio mate of mine, it's as if he said: "make what you think I'm expecting of you, and then create more." Ohhhh yeah.

(4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0..........) >

Just one of my favorite songs, so I really wanted to post it.

Today was the very first day of class! This means the log is going to get much much MUCH more interesting. Yayyy. Today I began with VisComm III (8am!!), which I'm actually retaking b/c I had one too many absences. Either way, I was relieved to find that the class will actually be easier this time around, and that if I attend every single class then I am basically guaranteed an A. Also, having it contributes to my Design class, which I'll explain a bit. Later on in the day I had Italian Composition and Conversation. Currently I'm on the waitlist for the class, but I can say with 90% certainty that I'm going to get into the class, as I'm first on the waitlist of two people (the other person on the list was there as well). It was funny b/c she and I were fist pumping every time that someone's name was called and they were absent. My favorite thing about it though was that I understood everything she said! It was a big confidence booster after I had a lackluster summer in regards to my Italian language development. I think overall it's going to be an excellent class; hopefully I'm officially accepted in the next couple of days.


Design V began with a lottery, where each instructor gives an introduction to the work that will be done in the upcoming studio, including Interior Design though no one else can take their course. My professor this semester is Clay Shortall. Don't try googling him - I've already tried and have found little existence of an architectural presence online. Anyway, he currently works for Zaha Hadid (super well-know architect of our generation b/c of her flowy looking buildings of which I question the validity of) as the only remote worker in the entire firm, specializing in digital work and fabrication. It's going to be an excellent year, not only because of the work I'm doing in the realm of technology this semester, but also b/c of the design program we are given. Essentially, we are doing work concerning a velodrome. For those of you unaware with the sport of track cycling, velodromes are arenas that are specifically designed to optimize the speed at which the bikes travel on the track and reduce the amount of centrifugal forces occur on the bike, not to mention the work done to maximize the necessity of perpendicularity concerning the cycle in regards to the track. I'll write more tomorrow; currently, I'm three sheets to the wind as it is officially my roommate's birthday! Nevertheless, this will be quite an interesting semester. Because if this ain't love, why does it feel so good?

---Apparently I had finished this last night...----

Less than a week until classes start and I cannot be any happier to begin . The past couple of days have been filled with hanging out with friends who have returned to our lovely city to begin another year of studying, socializing, and partying of course; but even more so I really wish to start this year so I can delve into the things I really love, architecture and school. It's funny because most people dread school. I've never really felt that way about my relationship with my academics - although in the past few years it hasn't been as favorable to me grade-wise as it has been in the past, I still enjoy classes and learning nonetheless.
It seems this semester especially everyone is buckling down and focusing on school, which of course remains to be seen, but it helps that my friends are in the same position as me so that I don't feel guilty about ignoring them to do work. I've actually felt that way very often: I used to schedule time in for my friends every week and no matter what I was doing I would hold my appointments. This year I can't do that; I need to focus on my many other obligations: arch school, part-time job, organizations, student government, etc.
For now I'm just here doing laundry, cleaning up and preparing for what will have to be my greatest year on record. There's a part of me that's afraid of putting down so much on the year and taking the risk, but if I don't take it now it's not going to happen later and I know I have the abilities to do it. I'm not going to give up on my love.

-Design your day ^^

p.s. - Once I get financial aid in and buy my camera there will be tons of photos on this blog - excited!

A nice british bloke with a nice british pop song.

Today was another wonderful day of sleeping in and doing much of nothing. I sent the wonderful 1st year intro design thingy to the president of the organization I'm in so hopefully that will work out nicely and other than that really did nothing else architecture related today. Don't worry though, school is in a week and a half, there will be more than enough to post about.
I went to Torchy's Tacos today with my friend I'll call Shell. Shell used to be bffs with A, but not they don't talk to each other. Yeah, pretty Gossip Girl. Anyway, had a Fried Avocado taco, which was vegetarian deliciousness and not over fried like I was afraid it was going to be. I've been on a diet recently that had been helpful at removing the 10lbs I gained last month (7.5 off so far, yes!) so I thought it'd be ok to eat this. That and I've exercised every day since the start of the month so I feel I've accomplished something. All I know is that I'm going to increase the intensity so I'll only have to do the same duration but get even more out of my work outs. Awesome!
After that I went to Wheatsville, number 1 favorite place to shop for groceries and managed to spend right over 13$ for some produce (essentially all the money I had left...). Either way, after that I don't remember doing much of anything except for working out. Following that, I went to A's before I had work for some chisme (go look it up). Basically a guy from back home was leading her on about wanting her for a booty call but then just joking about it, all culminating in a phone sex that he was supposedly kidding about, as per his message the next day. She then preceded to call him out on it and he then freaked out and defriended her. Poser.
Work was nice sans the fact that there have been almost no customers since people have been moving out. I just take comfort in the fact that we have a week and a half until school starts and then things are sure to pick up. I'm quite excited about that for sure. At least I tried out some new flavors that were made, Guinness (which was alright, but a bit bitter so it needs to be tweaked), Raspberry Jalapeno (much more delicious than it sounds), and Peanut Butter and Jelly (top notch).
Also in random news the guy who took me out of the funk I had earlier this summer is straight and has a gf. So I have to let that go. Oh well, there will be many more in architecture this year. Let's hope for the best.

Before I get into Scott Pilgrim and all it's awesomeness, let me tell you about my day.

Well I woke up at noon which was very refreshing, finally sleeping in for the first time in a while and enjoying the feeling! I think I'm going to do that again tonight b/c I had some wicked vivid dreams. I remember one clearing involving some movable chairs - it was all very surreal. Anyway, I was hoping to go into work today, but sadly it's been slow so the whole process has been very painful and workless (neologism!). Either way, I went to my friend A to see her new place at it was very impressive. The place was previously inhabited by an art student at the university, so the walls were excellent shades of goldenrod, fuschia, teal and navy. I didn't stay for very long as another friend of mine, we'll call him JJ, asked me to help him unpack. I liked his place as well, though it wasn't as unique as my other friend's it was still a level of acceptable for students to inhabit. After that I help my friend and her boyfriend/my ex-roomie move stuff to his new place which was fun as well. Also had delicious quesadillas at a local cafe while my friend had carrot cake.

Moving on to Scott Pilgrim. OMG. What an excellent film. It made me think of all the things I grew up with as a little kid and the stuff I still watch now, talk about super awesome happy fun time for sure! I could go on and on and on about every single thing that happened in that movie but I don't want to ruin it for anybody, all I have to say is that every single thing about that movie is awesome, especially the cast. Talk about hot! Though I've never been big on Michael Cera's looks, he seems like a really cool guy to hang out with but I don't find him attractive. Maybe he looks better in real life lol. All I know is that I want that kitty mug, soooooo bad. That, and I want to become a sex bob-omb. Goodnight.

I did not ask that last question lol

Answer here

Even though M.I.A. has been more popular for her scandals and anger against other artists rather than her music, this is still a good track. Pop and yet anti-pop at the same time.

Monday I ended up going back to my mother's after a week of stomach pain. Turns out I ended up getting a bacterial infection from something I had eaten. Luckily enough, the antibiotics I received were free with my insurance (yay!). It did help to go back though. I ended up solving some issues that I had regarding my confidence in architecture, not to mention coming up with an excellent gift for the new students that will stimulate their designer side.
Other than that, I really did nothing the past three days but reflect on what I want to do for the upcoming semester and recovering from this illness, though I do feel much better.

I may hate "Ridin' Solo" and "Whatcha Say," but this is a legitimately good song.

I tried to go to sleep without posting tonight, but I started thinking about school starting in 2 1/2 weeks and all this doubt started creeping in and kept me up for an hour longer than I'd like. It's annoying as I had given myself the day off to relax and I succeeded for the most part, except for the nagging feeling that I needed to be doing something. I finally did when my friend came to visit from SA. She came back to Texas from being in California for school and I was very excited b/c not only did I get to see her, but I finally met her bf and her bff haha. After eating at a local cafe, we went around looking at nice houses as the weather was not conducive for doing much of anything outside of a car.
I'll try to go to bed now, but the issue is really bothering me: the uncertainties of my actions, especially in my make-or-break major. It's all very scary and usually I can face all the fears but not at this exact moment. One can only hope for the best I guess. What if that's all it takes?

I've been listening to this song all day I just really like the heart behind it and makes me want to sing it to someone else.

Starting with my friend's bday, that in itself was insane. Met some nice people, pre-gamed at his house and was drunk when we got to the club. We were a bit early but it was alright and I was feeling amazing! Danced with some hot guys and the birthday boy participated in the Amateur Strip Contest, though he was no contest to the last guy. He was my pick to win 10 seconds after he started his routine it was insane! I probably danced more provocatively than I should've and had a really good time. Birthday boy seemed fine enough until we left. It was then I realized over the course of the night he had broken 4 glasses while we there. Oops. After we headed to Kerbey Lane (amazing pancakes and queso) were he preceded to spill 2 glasses of water, a basket of chips and then cried at the table. He also talked to a friend of mine and asked him when he was going to f**k me. No joke. Awesome not.

Friday was much better I helped my friend move out of her apt and store half of her stuff at my house (my roommate is her bf) and for my thanks we went to Trudy's which was quite delicious. I was disappointed in the wait staff, but overall I enjoyed my time there. The best part was when we saw a drunk girl in a bikini sauntering up to enter as we left and lo and behold it was a friend of her's! Small world I always say. After that we picked up a friend of hers and went back to her apt to drink. Before that we had gone to HEB to pick up some mixers (and scope out the hot property that is always at that specific location), one of which being Country Lemonade. Brought back middle school memories of baked cheese sticks and that stuff in a can. Back to the main story we played f**k the dealer and I ended up getting screwed over. I had three drinks total with lots of vodka and though I was very, very, very happy by the end of the night I was hurting this morning.

Today has been the least productive one I had in a while. My roommate came back to help his sister move into her new place (less than 3 weeks to school!!) and I spent nearly the entire day laying on the couch. At least I did the dishes.

I think I'm going to give myself the weekend free of architecture. It's something I love but I don't want to ruin my taste of it right before school. I am reminded by one of my loves though. I can say right now I have two people I'm in love with. It's a little funny; there's also another I'm infatuated with, not to mention the other cute guys I know nothing is going to happen with though they're nice to be around. I have no girl prospects, they've just been disappointing lately. Except my little sister (who's not related to me), she's visiting tomorrow and I can't wait! All the way from California, though really up from SA. Moving back to my two loves it's interesting. One I don't know if I'll ever meet again. (sigh) The other I told before I liked (and just got the friends thing) but I enjoy just being around him. We've talked a lot more recently and it's something I really enjoy. We have a lot of similar interests but different views on things so it's great to talk. Hopefully we can hang soon.

Design your day.

Tomorrow is one of my friend's 21st birthday. Dear Lord help us all.

I like this song as a feel good song you hear at a party when you have all of these good vibes and feelings. I'd say that we're going to hear tomorrow at the place we're going to, but it's a gay bar!

I have this huge load of stress off my shoulders as I return back here to prepare for the upcoming and all-important fall semester. I say this because not only is it pertinent that I do well academically, but this semester means sink or swim for two of the organizations I sit on the officer board for. Luckily I do have the assistance of other people, but I still feel personally responsible for them, especially when they both have so many connections that can lead to bigger and better things. I'd have to say that architecture is very much one of those professions where impressions can make or break your progress - it's not that you can't do well on your own, however like any type of way that you try and make a difference or an impact though it does start with one person it needs many more people to be successful and have an effect.

Blah blah blah I'm very tired to I think I'll write more eloquently tomorrow. Went and bought my friend Bailey's so he could have it in his morning coffee (yeah...), helped him pick out a shirt at American Eagle (again, yeah...), my friend A tagged along and went into the Lego store (omg yes!), and also got free Godiva chocolate (yes yes yes).

Design your day ^^

This is for yesterday, when I was at my mother's with a lack of internet access:

When I return to Austin tomorrow it will be a breath of fresh air; the next time I see my mother it will be too soon! I chose this song for today because not only is it awesome, but for the fact that it relates to the current predicament that I can't wake up properly when I'm not in a proper bed. Yesterday I slept horribly! I spent the night on the living room floor (of my mother's apartment for clarification) on sheets that although proper for the current weather outside hinder my attempts at lying comfortably on floor. Nonetheless, I still had some pretty interesting dreams, one about being reassured one hundred from my boss for the week (whether that is 100 dollars or 100 hours I didn't get) along with another dream concerning roaches in my house that weren't roaches but turned into beetles.

This reminds of the movie I saw a few weeks ago, Inception. Before I go any further I do recommend that everyone go see it, but I will warn that it does make you think. Actually, if you don't feel like thinking, you shouldn't be reading this blog :p . Anyway, it deals with dreams and so forth but one interesting aspect of the movie is that of the architect. Without trying to give too much away, this person serves to create the world in which a person's dream occurs. However (quite fittingly), the dream is the one that populates the dream and fills it with his desires. I found this eerily mirroring true like architect-client relationships, especially when if you do things to throw the world out of balance or not complicated enough, the dreamer's subconscious will attack you!

Speaking of architects, today while lunching (yes it was lunch time therefore the word is appropriate) at my favorite Chinese restaurant back in SA I learned that the owner was actually an architect in China before he came here and started his business. I learned about what they want, the process of creating a building and pretty much everything else he could throw us in the 15 minute span he spent teaching us (me, specifically) as we gulped down our egg drop soup and hurried through the last bits on our plates. It was amazing to think of the power that the architect holds in China - they actually supersede the engineer in Asia and it is one of the top professions to be a part of, paraphrasing the owner:

'Top three jobs in Asia: one, doctor; two, lawyer: three, architect

Overall it had me very impressed and gave me reason to rethink my plans. Should I still go to school in England? A part of me is thinking yes, and then move towards doing work in China. Even so, I need to focus on today and making sure I get through this year, this semester, this WEEK before I try and think about future plans. There are always variables that could change the life I end up leading so if they come my way I will flow around them just as always.

This is your wake-up call. Pick up the phone.

It doesn't help to start off the day finding out that in the past month you have gained 10 lbs. Short of being frank, this absolutely blows hardcore to the tenth degree; not simply because of the weight gained but the distance it puts between myself and my goal. Anyway -

I have been absent from my architectonic lifestyle for approximately 3 weeks while I worked as a counselor for a program called the Summer Institute for the Gifted. I can say I personally got some things out of it while at the same time helping mold minds that will change the world in the future. I know for a fact they will hold weight and have impact when one of the 11 year-old there was selling cakes in a business of his own. Moving on, I had fun, a bit of love (yes, these things happen at camps), some reprimanding (never come back late from night swimming in the hills), and overall I think I'll do it again. I can tell you for a fact though that the time I think about having children it will be too soon. It's odd b/c on one end I felt so old in respect to their age, as if the past 7 years has just zipped by. But I know in my mind that it was never that fast and even now I live day-by-day and hour by hour the clock ticks at a normal pace: I don't think I'm dying any time soon (God willing) @.@.

Either way, it's time to return to the way I was before, but in that same token, move to make changes in what I do. Something nice I picked up from working with these kids is consistently working to max on 6 hours of sleep. If I hadn't mentioned before, the way sleep works is that it is in 1-1/2 hour cycles, so I settled on this amount as it would translate well to the work I'll be doing during the school year. Anyway, my bedtime (currently) is 6 am and I can get myself awake a 7am (out of bed at 7:30 at the latest) and be fully functional the entire day. Who knew? For someone who was constantly suffering from insomnia as a fresh-faced you this will help me out very much in future endeavors.

Another change is that of cultural expression. It seems that the longer I've been in college, the more and more I've lost touch with the Hispanic part of my culture. This seems a bit ironic as in all of my projects I stress the importance of expressing one's culture through the creative process, and overall the realization has been a bit shocking. In this light, I have decided to dwell a bit on my past (something I don't usually do) along with practicing my Spanish and watching some telenovelas. May sound a bid ludicrous, but I heard of a Romanian tennis player learning Spanish from watching them and on top of that it is in large part a way to be reminded of what it means to be me.

Sport is also going to be a larger aspect of my life - pretty much the entire idea of health in both what I eat and what I do. Currently as I write this I'm thinking about what I want to do right now for exercise, though I cringe at the thought of the pain the first workout after a long hiatus from major activity. That and I mean major activity. The goal is to push myself to being a two athletic training body, one being my architect and the other is my sportist (made-up word but whatever). This includes not only hardcore training techniques, but on top of that a very stringent diet in that I won't eat anything processed and I'm officially donning the moniker of flexitarian.

Things I am keeping: my love of music, my love of Japanese culture (reviving my manga reading), my practicing of Italian, my penchant for trying new drinks (especially now that I'm 21), and the goal of going to graduate school in England.

I'm still very young so I feel I have tons and tons of life to lead. I have to say that right now this time is for me. It is a very selfish thing to say, but as they say, architects are ego driven, and according to some I'm not. Guess I have to prove them wrong? Whatever happens I'm still smiling, and I'll still be the giggler.

Today is also the day I plan on starting a bit of portfolio organization, though I'm at my mothers so if that actually happens it will be a miracle

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