Looking at the time, and looking at my planner this week, you would understand why I feel like I'm running again. Being an architecture student takes time. Being a GREAT architecture student takes time and involvement. This can be characterized by all of the events that I'm attending this week, like yesterday's NOMAS meeting. The Nat'l. Organization for Minority Architecture Students is one of my groups and we had an officer meeting yesterday to plan out the semester and I'm very confident about it. It's our first year and as a new organization we're just hoping to attract members and have things to do and have them want to be a part of something bigger. Yesterday was also a long day in my design class. We learned how to use the CNC router which will be helpful at some point but probably not right now after all. It seems the model we were supposed to do isn't exactly feasible, haha. Well, my design professor is Sinclair Black and is a notable name in the world of New Urbanism, whatever he says I will do. Maybe if I do well enough I could parlay it into a summer internship! Let's hope for the best.

Also began my new workout regimen. Yesterday I rowed and biked, and today I will run. In a week I should feel 100x better along with having a sharper mind. Working both the mind and body really helps keep everything in order. So does having a clean work area and house. (sigh ) I wish my roommate would help.


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