Today in all four matches in the Australian Open one play got into a large lead and was looking to cruise, and then gave it up for various reasons. This just goes to show you that it isn't over until it's over. Don't think for a second you're done until you're done. Like my AutoCAD file. >< I need to finish it! I'd have to say it almost kept me from going to class. It's the little things that slip me up and then I get embarrassed to the point of just wanting to withdraw so that no one can see the fault. Am I too proud? I'm not sure, but I'm going to attend class anyway. It's a first-time thing so I won't be bothered by it again. You just have to learn from your mistakes. That and time management is always key.

Looking at the time, and looking at my planner this week, you would understand why I feel like I'm running again. Being an architecture student takes time. Being a GREAT architecture student takes time and involvement. This can be characterized by all of the events that I'm attending this week, like yesterday's NOMAS meeting. The Nat'l. Organization for Minority Architecture Students is one of my groups and we had an officer meeting yesterday to plan out the semester and I'm very confident about it. It's our first year and as a new organization we're just hoping to attract members and have things to do and have them want to be a part of something bigger. Yesterday was also a long day in my design class. We learned how to use the CNC router which will be helpful at some point but probably not right now after all. It seems the model we were supposed to do isn't exactly feasible, haha. Well, my design professor is Sinclair Black and is a notable name in the world of New Urbanism, whatever he says I will do. Maybe if I do well enough I could parlay it into a summer internship! Let's hope for the best.

Also began my new workout regimen. Yesterday I rowed and biked, and today I will run. In a week I should feel 100x better along with having a sharper mind. Working both the mind and body really helps keep everything in order. So does having a clean work area and house. (sigh ) I wish my roommate would help.

was not my idea of Friday night. Then again, staying up last night wasn't my idea of a Friday morning either. Nevertheless, this is where I currently find myself. Today was a near excellent day, even with the weather which I loved. It's such a nice change from what was the week before: a cold snap the likes of which I've never seen this early in winter. Hopefully the change in temperatures means that spring will arrive early - I really do hope this is the case. I feel that when that happens I may finally bloom (yet it isn't a very masculine action but it doesn't mean it isn't proper) and become more of the person I know I was meant to be. It's a bit odd to think that school starts on Tuesday, but at the same time I couldn't ask for it any sooner. I've learned enough from the real world: love, deceit, overthink, cruelty -it's all a bit too much.

Every time I receive money, it's like a new day. I have finally gotten my financial aid for this upcoming semester and I could not be happier! This means new clothes, furniture, food, just a lot of things that are going to help me prepare for what will be my most important semester to date. Architecture school is difficult. Don't let anyone ever fool you about that. The best way to approach it is like most things - an open mind, a bit of background, and the ability to work and think quickly. I'm happy to say I'm going to buy my new trademark shoes, which will say ArchStar along the heal. I am super pumped about them, they're going to be the piece de resistance and a perfect addition to my wardrobe, along with some cool new tshirts. I think I can post links, so I'll add one here . That is a shirt that says ichiban, or #1 in japanese. Personally, I believe that it's one's mindset that affects how one will do in life. If you stay positive, make goals, and get organized (which this post is lacking) then you can achieve greatness greater than anyone has ever seen.

Well, I guess I can run through my day:
Going to the Co-Op to buy my textbooks for the semester. After that I will go talk to my advisor about the coming semester and to make sure that we are on the same page and that everything will be ok. Following that, I will go to my bank and withdraw some amount of money as to which I am unsure of how much exactly that will be. Following that I will come back and wait for my friend Beth to finally wake up and then take me to IKEA! (which will be my first trip there ever) I plan on taking a few 500 Days of Summer-like photos though we will see if that actually happens. We will then peruse Super Target and following that lunch sometime after noon. Afterwards, I will call and check to see if I have contacts available for purchase at the local optometrist I see (with their well-dressed staff) and then we will finally go to Wheatsville, where I will buy my fill of delicious and wholesome food while supporting a local establishment and local food. (if there is one thing all people should do, that is eat local). I will then come home, unload my things, take a nap, and then go with my best friend Emily to MT Supermarket! (China Town Center haha). Then I will either set up my new chest of drawers, pass out, or complete my online shopping depending on how I feel at that moment. I also need to meet up with my good good friend Sydney at some point (possibly even invite her to MT Supermarket) though we shall see.

And that is my day. Saturday will be even crazier with my mother coming, though we shall see.

-Design with beauty in mind

I lost my job yesterday and I wasn't fazed by it. That is never a good sign. I've lost all sense of satisfaction. This happens every now and again but right now it's really bad. Basically it entails me feeling like I'm not getting enough of something but I don't know exactly what it is. My entire though process, my actions, my words are really messed up, which is why this in itself will be short. What's worse is it heightens my oral fixation and I and I can't see to get fully I keep wanting to eat. Someone save me from this feeling.

I have a few remaining days left of winter vacation (though honestly it feels more like fall or a cool summer day outside) so I'm lounging around before I get back in the serious mood of working, as I know adding this job to my academic schedule and aiming for a 4.0 this semester is going to be a challenge. But those are the challenges that I love best. I think about famous tennis stars making comebacks in this instance - recently Justine Henin has returned and the world could not have asked for more. She has the power skill and grace that has been missing from the game since she left, and as most of the rest of the field can't stay consistently at their best she has an excellent chance of winning Grand Slams. I have to believe in myself that same way. I know that I'm capable of doing great things, though for now I'm just going to rest up. I've let myself sleep in for the last two days and have woke up around 11:30am each one! I can't believe I'm sleeping so much, but as long as my body is rested, recovered, and 100% then it'll all be worth it in the end.

0 Re:

This post is called Re: for many re:asons that will become apparent quickly.

First of all, I've finally re:activated, which is a weird way to think of all the things that are happening in my life. When I sit and think of all that's going on I'm nearly brought to tears!

Anyway, a lot of things have happened. Many. Numerous; too many to count - though I should have just been a little more disciplined and blogged like I had told myself long ago. This is hoping when I re:flect from now on I write down the hard facts.

So, let's re:start.

I'm 20, attending architecture school, and finally out of a horrible cycle that was re:taking classes. It's every student's fear and to be completely honest I still have to re:take a course but it won't be near the level of severity it was and I won't feel the shame I did when all of my classmates moved forward without me. Well, all except one.

I was supposed to have begun this on the 1st of January, but my year did not start out as planned as I got drunker than I should have at a party I shouldn't have been at on a night that I shouldn't have gone out. The whole idea is horrible when I play it back in my mind, but I must learn from my first night of this new decade and know what I should have done right. After all, I have a new job now!

I guess it was only natural that I shift from ice cream to gelato. I know work at a nice place with pretty eccentric co-workers but nonetheless I really like them all a lot! I hope that by working there I can improve my service skills and be able to read what people want and to make that happen to the best of my abilities.

School starts in two weeks! I can believe that winter break will be over soon, but then again it won't. These past three weeks have flowed by with such elegance that I will likely never know it again. I feel though, that it is life giving me that feeling of re:newal without really doing anything.

This is why I'm re:Activate.

I write it in such a way because I've become aware that I need to be a full actor in my life. I think for the past few years that I've been at school I've lost that idea of being aggressive, of being active, of knowing what you are doing and being center-stage in your own life. But I can't do that anymore. There are too many things at stake. I know a lot is happening that is much more than myself, but I feel that I have the power, mind, and will to improve the situation, even if it's only a little bit.

I will be the catalyst.

It's interesting to say I now have the tools to be fully my own. Without a romantic interest (the first in a very long time - actual or unrequited) I look to myself and I re:view my past. Never forget your past. People say the new year is about forgetting and starting new but it's not. It's about re:viving oneself, like the phoenix. Know where you came from, re:instill the good and distill the bad.

I know that if I make the commitment to myself and to no one else, I will succeed.

I will save.

I also have work in the morning so I will TRY to sleep now. Here's to the start of perfection.

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