I have been awake for 29 hours and counting. I have three days to finish my project. I am obligated to attend a dance recital, a musical performance, a birthday party, and my own concert for my acappella group. On top of this my mother is visiting Sunday. Bring it.

I just diagrammed out my final presentation poster, so over the weekend my goal is to fill it out and have it completed by Monday (fingers crossed!). Currently, I'm trying to calm myself down as I have an interview in approximately an hour. This is basically make it or break it for me for the summer (I like that show, it's so melodramatic!). If I can't snag this job I could get kicked out of my place by the end of May! A college student should not have to deal with this kind of stress but alas this is what happens. At least tonight I'm going to Tiesto! Yes, I had the money to do so, I bought the ticket when I got financial aid. I can't wait, he's one of my favorite DJs of all time and I know I'm going to pull some crazy shapes on that dance floor. One of my favorite songs off his newest album, Kaleidoscope, is "Escape Me" ft. CC Sheffield. I'd have to say that is my mindset right now - just to have an escape from reality for approximately 6 hours after which I return brighter and better than ever!

I would have to say this song is very accurate as to how I feel in my social life. But alas, I have little time for that right now :/

In terms of design, it seems like the class has come to the conclusion that our professor is a crazy old man who has little semblance of what is relevant concerning the work that we are doing. In this light, for our redevelopment of San Antonio, we have chosen to create an overall district map that will give some semblance to our design changes and goals for the area. Along with this, we have created color schemes for each district within the area so everything will look nice, professional, etc. so I wonder how this will work with my new design. Think of tiles all over that give the semblance of water. In my review my idea of color was shot down by my professor, but I'll never give up on it. Colors may fade, but the idea behind this is to give the building value and culture. This is in spite of what my Site Design teacher, David Heymann, says about architects lacking culture - just because Loos decided to be such a polarizing person in an article does not mean it is true. Especially coming from a Hispanic background, to say I have no culture is insulting! Anyway, the inspiration behind my building is the importance of water in San Antonio and the courtyard which the building surrounds will contain a fountain and work as a point of axis between the different areas. OOOoooooohhh I can't wait to show up with my poster and everyone be >_> wtf. Ah, I really need to kick ass on this thing.

Also, one of my classmates created a twitter for our Site Design class. There's only three more lectures left, but everything posted so far is golden:

I really should keep up with this more! It shows how crazy my life is at the moment.

Architecture - At this rate, I'm going to have a B- in Construction and that is frustrating. Luckily, my TA is a very nice guy so it's time for some schmoozing (as much as I regret it) but I'd very much like a straight B. In approximately 8 hours I'll have a building review for Design, which I think will go well enough. I'm not worried about it, I just need to have things to show so it should be fine. It brings up a good point - in working with computers and drawings the best work is done through a hybrid approach. It's silly to think in scientific terms such as "hybrid vigor," but it fact it is actually true! It gives you the feel of work that has been done by hand with the accuracy of a computer. That and I hate drawing scale figures and trees (always get flack for them).

This is the song for today as I am trying to figure out my own heartbeat song. What exactly is the situation I should be in at the moment? That and this song is amazing! Ugh, sometimes I think I just need to be pointed in the right direction. Though if there wasn't that much of a challenge, would it be that fun? I'm not sure. Risk = reward is my thought process now. Let's go with that.

No, I do not need to see runners and cyclists at 5:25 am on my way home from studio.

I will post soon on my development in class, for now listen to this. A bit random, but b/c I'm never going there this seems like a good time to post the song.

Marching Band - Another Day

Let's start with this 1st year who goes to the same school as I do, just found his blog and it's really interesting so I think you guys should check it out.

Well the boy I liked dropped his bf three days after the post. He said he isn't ready for a relationship (which I was aware of - time commitment) so I can put him back in the summer pocket (for lack of a nicer term).
Did you know the Day of Silence is this Friday? I had never heard about this national event, but for it you duct tape your mouth in observance of all the people who have been silenced because of who they are and against anti-LGBT slurs. The guy (we'll calm him Film Buff from now on) is really pushing me to participate, so I decided, why not? The caveat is we're going to the gay club that night (funnnnn. kind of.) so at midnight we'll rip it off. And then we will dance and he will hit on someone else and I'll probably end up watching him make out with said guy. So I'm bringing my friend (a girl) along so I have a bit of back up.

Design is going excellently! It's very odd I think I'm only allowed to have a good social life or academic life. Anyway, my building is coming together nicely and I think it''ll be an excellent addition to the revival of San Antonio's northern downtown area (in case you weren't aware of the project). I plan to combine a layer of commerce w/ a food market that serves the community around. Placed on top of this will be three floors of apartments that are then topped by a 6 floor condo community. Overall, lots of people and lots of room for interactions. I'll try and post some sketchy stuff once I get it all down. Some of my inspiration is Spanish, French and German streets so if you see these:

that's basically it.

Construction is pretty interesting - we've been doing lots of work with embodied energy, so that we are researching the cost of not only the energy used to run all the functions of a building but the energy spent in creating it. It's a way to reduce environmental impact (and get LEED certified!) so the buildings are more sustainable. Right now we're taking existing buildings and looking at ways to change materials and rework the building in such a way as to reduce the load without losing the spirit of the original intent. Pretty tedious.

Site Design I'm reallly loving, we now have discussions on different topics related to the lecture readings and it's a very good way to think about the issues facing architecture today while not working through design process. Our last question was concerning landscape and what are different definitions that a "maker" would give to it. Quite fascinating.

Italian is great - test tomorrow and always a class that I don't like going to but enjoy being in. Does that make sense? haha

Now the weekend. Yesterday Girl Talk played at our school festival (b/c we are amazing) and I went to the Beaux Arts formal and realized that I might be single for a while and I really hate that. Though I think I wait a bit and post later a more descriptive version of last night b/c I am tired and there is studio work to be done! It's just another day.

Chipmunk ft. Esmée Denters - Until You Were Gone

Another love interest had been, found and now they are gone. Found a boyfriend (2 weeks after meeting them, which was 2 weeks after I had met my love interest). Oh well.

I feel much more at ease about school overall. Our final project will include our building and have all the big drawings that are needed in a presentations: a perspective, elevations, plans, sections, roof plan, all the good stuff :)

Overall I'm very happy with the way design seems to be going, I think I could actually finish the entire project 2 weeks BEFORE it's due. Do you know how crazy that is??? Truly that would mean I get 2 weeks to fix all the other stuff I made before that. Nevertheless, still big.

Let's hope for the best!

Also Easter was good.

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