Sunday Girl - Four Floors

Rule #1 of architecture school: don't miss design class. EVER.

Unfortunately for me, I tend to break this rule, such as today. It doesn't help my case that I stayed up nearly the entire night working on a project. The assumption is always that whatever you did do could have been done in less time and probably in a much better way. *sigh* Nevertheless I trudge on. The "plan" for this week to Friday is as follows (and I say plan b/c this is what is intended and not necessarily the final result):

Tonight - finish FAFSA, then practice for acapella group until 11, then study for Construction until 3am, then work on Design until 6, then study for Construction another 3 1/2 hours until the exam.
Thursday - Construction Exam (understanding bricks and concrete basically), then lunch, then Site Design, then Italian Conversation, then head home to change for the gym, fill dishwasher and eat/throw up (whichever happens), then gym for vb at 5, then Japanese Association meeting at 7, then studio for design allnighter w/ possible coffee break.
Friday - Design class at 9am, City Forum at noon, mom visits around 5pm, I crash after she leaves.


Intermittently I'm designing my building, which is composed of a tower, plus four floors.


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