Sunday Girl - Four Floors

Rule #1 of architecture school: don't miss design class. EVER.

Unfortunately for me, I tend to break this rule, such as today. It doesn't help my case that I stayed up nearly the entire night working on a project. The assumption is always that whatever you did do could have been done in less time and probably in a much better way. *sigh* Nevertheless I trudge on. The "plan" for this week to Friday is as follows (and I say plan b/c this is what is intended and not necessarily the final result):

Tonight - finish FAFSA, then practice for acapella group until 11, then study for Construction until 3am, then work on Design until 6, then study for Construction another 3 1/2 hours until the exam.
Thursday - Construction Exam (understanding bricks and concrete basically), then lunch, then Site Design, then Italian Conversation, then head home to change for the gym, fill dishwasher and eat/throw up (whichever happens), then gym for vb at 5, then Japanese Association meeting at 7, then studio for design allnighter w/ possible coffee break.
Friday - Design class at 9am, City Forum at noon, mom visits around 5pm, I crash after she leaves.


Intermittently I'm designing my building, which is composed of a tower, plus four floors. - Angus & Julia Stone - And the Boys

Design has officially become hard. My professor has decided to schedule a review at the HQ of AIA in San Antonio, where our project is centralized. I am absolutely excited and completely frightened at the same time! To do something this big in my hometown could either garner me much fame or completely destroy my social viability in architecture in that city. Hm. Well, I know that I will have to go "on and on and onnn" because the unit review that we had (where we had made apartment units) did not go well. I do know better as I have lived in apartments near my entire life, so I think that I'm just too engrossed. I am doing a lot, and as much a I am loving and enjoying architecture, having other things to do is impeding. Though I want to do them to so that is hard. Right now I'm doing some prelim sketches of my building - a tower (precisely torre) that takes influences from the three major contributors to the history of Texas - Spain, France, and Germany. The goal will be to develop these three into clear cut typologies that will combine and unite into one morphology that will be the catalyst for development in the area.For the rest of the city, I'm compiling many housing typologies that can be put into the area as examples of what should be done. I just pray I have enough time to get everything put together and assembled. AHHHHHHH That and my computer doesn't have internet access on campus. So much funnnn.

(Kate Nash - Do Wah Do)

Well if they all are into someone else, I'll just work on my own things.

Overall school hasn't been quite nearly as taxing as other semesters, though I should really be posting here like I told myself I would. I'm thinking back on the last month and a lot of things have happened. Classes are moving towards Bs, which is alright, but I really need As in order to improve my grades. Site Design is insane, all we have talked about is grading and grading and water runoff and swales and berms and omg I can't look at a hill without seeing lines. Design has been really nice I feel I am improving my knowledge of urban forms so I can make great places that people will want to use. I just think that the amount of work we are doing, though, is not nearly as much as some of the other studios. But I can change that for myself and I probably will. Construction has been annoying. I shouldn't be learning about some of these issues that we cover because the level of difficulty is so high and this is something you learn on the job. I guess that gives more prestige to the school - the level of difficulty in our tasks - but I'd rather not spend my nights calculating the amount of concrete in a building and how much it weighs. Italian - va bene. Socially I think I've gotten to a new level. I get more looks, which is nice, and I've met a lot more people. The problem with this is being able to keep all of my affairs in order. That and there is a part of me that wants something a bit more than a love interest though I know I'm in no way ready for that. I figured that out last night when I went to a gay club for the first time ever. But that is a story for another time.

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