I usually start doing things without realizing that I forget to explain myself properly. That being said, I will now take some time to properly introduce myself.

My name is Andrew, and I'm a 3rd year architecture/urban studies student attending a top ranked architecture program (if you read between the lines, it's easy to figure out). I'm 6ft tall even, of mixed heritage, understand Spanish and speak Italian. My interests include tennis, volleyball, anime, music, singing, cooking, and watching movies. Overall I'd say I have a very optimistic outlook on things and I'm involved in more organizations/clubs than I should be considering my major, but that doesn't mean I haven't tried to add more things to further complicate my life (self-deprecating a bit). I say that I don't gender discriminate when it comes to dating, though this creates issues on both sides. My lack of time is also an issue, though when it comes to architecture we usually date inside the major, and I can't say I'm without prospects. Speaking of such, one just walked in…
My purpose behind this blog is to give a look in on what occurs here at the school. What it is to be an architecture major, what's expected of you, the (un)certain future, thoughts on the profession, and also a bit of me and what I'm doing as well - it isn't easy being everything that goes against the old reich (old, white, conservative, non LGBT, etc). As an architecture student it is your life for 3-5+ years and studio is home, so this is me sharing something most people don't really get to see. (Also I like to share new music I hear so I hope you're up for that).


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