Don't get sick.

Have been very busy so here's a little bit of filler.

Design your day!

The new Saturdays mini CD (released only in the UK of course) really isn't the greatest thing in the world, but the two singles, including this one called 'Higher,' are really good pop hits.

Well I'm in the middle of another all-nighter. I know it's going to hurt tomorrow, but it'll be worth it. I think I'm going to have some things for my professor that he'll actually like. Concerning my work with 'Olympic Caliber Performance,' I've divided it into Human + Bike, Curves, and Olympic Spaces. The way it works is that
the space occupied by a human on a bike creates a volume that is regulated by a set of curves, and these curves along with the changes in scale from human to human plus bike create formulas that can be used to alter current spaces to better accomodate for bikes and their travel patterns. So now I'm pretty excited about that.
Though honestly this entire weekend has been very frustrating. It was good to have an extra day in the weekend, though in architecture student land that equates an extra day to work on your design. Not to mention I still have stuff to do for other classes. Notheless I have to believe I can do it and only improve. I can only go higher and higher.

P.S. - the picture here is my desk!

A nice song by an Australian singer-songwriter. i feel I could sing this song to my design professor.

So I'm going to take this moment to just think a little. Though I really shouldn't be thinking right now, per the way the research is supposed to be done, I want to take a couple things into perspective.

First - my house. Good Lord it is a hot mess. I have to do dishes, clean the living room, do laundry, throw the trash, and plan my meals for the week

Second - studio. I have to clean my desk, put together the binder of work, and group together the things that need to be returned home.

Next - Italian class. I need to do the reading for Wednesday and buy the course packet.

Following - Construction. Pick a building to make pretty pictures of.

After That - Environmental Controls. Finish the readings, do the lessons in lighting, buy black paper for the lab project, take the photos for the lab project, start the lab project.

Not to be forgotten - VisComm. Take photos of the coke bottle, draw over them in AutoCAD, transition this to Rhino and put on a box.

Culminating in - Design. 15 drawings, a movable model, plus a starting version of my final poster, which I just realized may need to be entirely finished by that day...

Topping it all off- exercise. I've been good about it this week, but I need to keep it up.

I can say overall that there is a small part of me that wants to die, another part that wants to quit, but overall my mind and body are saying 'show this bitch what you're made of.' So I'm picking that option.

I want to post more concerning my architecture work but until this weekend passes I doubt I'll get into much detail. Plus, I have some really cool photos to upload and this will now be a photo blog! I just need the extra day to breathe (right after I finish scheduling my sleep). I cannot be saved at this current moment in time, but soon enough I'll make it through on my own.

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