This song kind of describes the past month, all of which I can't put to words ><.
I haven't posted in a good while, and I can say a lot of things have occurred.

First, me being left without someone I was interested in has passed, unfortunately said person is going to be a freshman at the architecture school next year so I feel a tinge of guilt about it all. It may be legal, but there are all the issues and stipulations that come about when dating someone that is not only younger than you but new to your environment. Of course I say this without any thought to how they feel about me, but I have two months to get myself in fighting form and I think I can make an improvement. It seems I already have, but I'll get to that later.

I wanted to start my own design group, which I dubbed atelier A, with a friend that I knew in high school but only recently started to talking to more. It's such a hassle living in two different cities, not to mention he has summer school and I have work. At some point I was also supposed to start arranging my portfolio, but with my computer having to be restored (aka why I was not posting for a very long time) that hasn't happened either. It's a problem I have - I like to load my summers with as much stuff to do as possible, but alas I end up getting maybe half of it done (half-heartedly at that) as I spend most days being quite pensive. I swear if I was philosophy major I'd have a 4.0 GPA.

Speaking of GPAs, I've been looking at graduate schools, though once I open a prospectus I get very antsy as I know the great lengths I need to go to (for 3 years no less) in my academic studies to achieve my biggest dream, and that is England. There are other options that will be just as good, but if I have to say what is my biggest dream, it is to live somewhere else. I just feel that I like the urban life here, but that there is so much more that I want to explore. There are so many other ways of living and different things that I can't find here. One of my options could be New York City, but something about it tells me that I'm not ready for that much urban yet. Oddly enough, I don't find Tokyo daunting in any way (and that includes a language barrier!)

I almost stopped writing when I haven't even mentioned my job! Well, hours have been cut and cut and cut so I'm basically just going in to make gelato. I'm going to make some money on the side by doing some graphic design work for them (which will look nice in my portfolio) and I can do that while I'm working at my new temp job as a counselor! I'm going to be a counselor for some called the Summer Institute for the Gifted. It's going to be on campus (aka walking distance) but I'll be living there for three weeks as I chaperone kids, act as a teaching assistant for programs and overall just help. It pays really well, which is nice as I need to pay rent! It's a shame I won't have anything left over, but I will go back to my regular job and there should be a lot more people as they will be back from summer by then. Yay!

Overall there will be more of this but I still need to sort out a few things and then everything will be super happy awesome.

Some other revelations: apparently I do not like cheap wine but I love sangria. Also, I almost made out with a frat guy last weekend. Soooooo close.


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