Just have to get things organized as usual.

When you think architect, what do you think?

I've been dreadfully busy with school, hence the lack of updates. I'd say Dec 14th will most likely be when I update again, but hopefully by then I will have a yarn of a tale to tell.

Something else: to quote from an earlier post-

"Also, I posted this song b/c I'm becoming a bit insatiable. I have this friend who I've like for a while and while we are just friends I feel like we've gotten a lot closer lately and I'm confused about what he wants from me? Idk maybe I'm over thinking it but at the same time I like that he's relying on me more. It's annoying to learn more things about him that make me fall a bit more every day..."

Well my friend (whom I haven't picked out a pseudo for) is still talking to me every day and I'm still learning more and more each day. He's coming to a party at my house Friday and then we're going on a studio tour (just us two) Saturday. I'd have to say by the end of next semester if we aren't best friends then we're going to be boyfriends. It's ridiculous! But above all, I just enjoy spending time with him. I'm such a dork.

Design your day!

-Andrew ^^

I don't know why I haven't posted this before, it's an awesome song! A great and true dance track that has a powerful voice backing.

This is a few pictures of what I'm currently doing:

My list of things to do by the end of design class tomorrow....just for physical models.

These are mostly teasers to the entire models which will be finished by approximately 6pm tomorrow.

Also, this photo is from the front page of our newspaper! Just goes to show how amazing the LGBT community is around here. Also how hot :p

I chose this song for today b/c a sudden downpour occurred on my way home and just as it commenced, this was the song that came on my iTunes. For real.

Today was a very good day! It was also National Coming Out Day, fyi, as well as Columbus Day.
Things started out with VisComm, which is my 8am class. I'd say the only thing that was stimulating about that class was the fact I sat next to a cute guy, whom I'll call Green (he's in the Gardening Club I go to sometimes). Green is slightly shorter than me brown hair and eyes with excellent facial hair. He also plays soccer and though he had a girlfriend his sexuality is questionable (i.e. not facebook official).
My Italian class went well, I had to give an oral report on curriculum vitae of professors in Italy. Yeah. At least my speaking has improved, so I really liked it, though to say the class was enthused about any of the reports would be a blatant lie.
Design...well I'm happy about my desk critique! Our professor was clearly not happy with the amount of work we had accomplished (he said shit a lot), but when I discussed with him my process and what I was intending to do he seemed alright with it all. If only AutoCAD wasn't so frustrating! Computer malfunctions happen a lot and it's important to be prepared when it comes to these things. It seems they always happen at the worst time, e.g. right before I have lasercutter time. (I will inform what the magnificence that is the lasercutter in a next post)
Since then I haven't done much except prepare everything for tomorrow, a very looooooong day. So long I'm pulling an all-nighter to get all of my work finished tomorrow night. Oh goodness.
I'll make another post tomorrow, but after getting drenched by the sudden thunderstorm I believe it's time for bed.

I usually start doing things without realizing that I forget to explain myself properly. That being said, I will now take some time to properly introduce myself.

My name is Andrew, and I'm a 3rd year architecture/urban studies student attending a top ranked architecture program (if you read between the lines, it's easy to figure out). I'm 6ft tall even, of mixed heritage, understand Spanish and speak Italian. My interests include tennis, volleyball, anime, music, singing, cooking, and watching movies. Overall I'd say I have a very optimistic outlook on things and I'm involved in more organizations/clubs than I should be considering my major, but that doesn't mean I haven't tried to add more things to further complicate my life (self-deprecating a bit). I say that I don't gender discriminate when it comes to dating, though this creates issues on both sides. My lack of time is also an issue, though when it comes to architecture we usually date inside the major, and I can't say I'm without prospects. Speaking of such, one just walked in…
My purpose behind this blog is to give a look in on what occurs here at the school. What it is to be an architecture major, what's expected of you, the (un)certain future, thoughts on the profession, and also a bit of me and what I'm doing as well - it isn't easy being everything that goes against the old reich (old, white, conservative, non LGBT, etc). As an architecture student it is your life for 3-5+ years and studio is home, so this is me sharing something most people don't really get to see. (Also I like to share new music I hear so I hope you're up for that).

First off, just want to say if you don't know about Girls Aloud, and want some wacky, off-the-wall pop music that works, check them out. If you do, then you already know Nadine is the best singer in the lot. This video is also another reason why I don't give up on girls.

Lately I've been feeling a little bit depressed. It's funny, because this isn't an emotion that is foreign to architecture students. It's something that we accept as a consequence of the work we do and the pressure we put ourselves under. Overall I feel that I really should be keeping up with this blog; in fact I'm writing this post in that vein - I need to get out all the work that I've done, look at it objectively [and with an editing eye], then condense and move forward.
Overall the research portion of my velodrome project did not go into my favor. I don't regret the way in which I chose to do it, which was experiment with many different concepts of 'Olympic Caliber Performance' and break them down to small elements, but they felt if I had just taken one idea and exhausted it that I would've had something more developed.
Personally I disagree, just because I feel that this second portion of design is the proper place for that mindset. It's where you have your idea (in this project it is our word) and then create the form from that. My idea is "Maximization" and I really like it. I think it embodies the spirit of my original research in one of its perspectives, that of pushing to the utmost bounds of what one can do and using every fiber of ones build to be the best and push to the top. Right now that's what I'm trying to do. Use everything I have to become the best I can possibly be (and secure my goal of an A in design and obtaining the Design Excellence award this semester!)
Ok - so what I have to do.
1) Remake a model. One of the cruelest things to be told is that your craft is shit and that your models are not on par with the rest of the class. Annoying but it needs to be done.
2) Make a physical model of "Maximization." Overall I've been getting ideas of pulling up/pushing out/holding down so I'm playing with the idea of fibers, sticks, fabric, just things that have a lot of tension inherent in their nature that express what I'm trying to get at.
3)Plan/Section/Perspective. I have to make a 3D model doing the same thing about "maximization" but in Rhino. I'm thinking of using the strength of the triangle as the form giver and then lofting through to make a form
4)Get info for the bounds. The idea of maximization is with the notion that there are bounds which the building must fit into. So, I have to get all the site data from someone else in studio so I have my parameters to work with.

That actually doesn't seem so hard after I made the list. WOW, that really helped! haha

Well it's 3:16am, I can't sleep - might as well get started on this bit.

Also, I posted this song b/c I'm becoming a bit insatiable. I have this friend who I've like for a while and while we are just friends I feel like we've gotten a lot closer lately and I'm confused about what he wants from me? Idk maybe I'm over thinking it but at the same time I like that he's relying on me more. It's annoying to learn more things about him that make me fall a bit more every day...

Either way, design your day!

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